Of the many fields in which we like to work, education is among our favorites.
One of our more engaging projects is underway right now, the consolidation of the Beginnings infant and toddler and Pre-School (ages 2-5) programs into the Strelitz Early Childhood Education program at the Sandler Family Campus in Virginia Beach.
To raise the profile of these excellent offerings, RCG recommended a new “look” and theme. Our suggestion, which the school adopted, is Right From the Start. “Six weeks to five years is when children are constantly ‘starting’ something new,” says Joel Rubin, “from crawling to walking to talking to playing with others to reading and computing.” Strelitz will celebrate those starts through social media and other communications. It helps that the SECEC is located on a beautiful 20-acre campus off the Witchduck Road exit in a state-of-the-art building, attached to the Jewish Community Center and its pool, gym and other spaces that appeal to all members of the family.
The United Jewish Federation’s talented graphic designer, Sh’Nere Mattise Deas, came up with the colorful layout for a new brochure that is now in use. Expect to see it in a new website Danny Rubin is overseeing for the program. If you have a child in need of high quality day care or pre-school, backed by a strong staff and consistent curriculum that emphasizes socialization, play and academics, consider Strelitz.
It’s “Right from the Start.”