Public Relations Lesson: Be Patient with the Press

Not every story has a deadline of today.

It’s often hard to tell clients that the media will (hopefully) get something on the air or in print eventually, particularly when bosses or board members breath down their necks.

Exhibit A. We pitched an idea to The Virginian-Pilot in November 2014. It involved a campaign to promote the value of adults signing advance directives for health care. Yes, we wanted people to download the directives from the website over the holidays. And beleaguered health reporter Elizabeth Simpson did run a brief, promising something more substantial later.

“I didn’t bother Elizabeth,” says RCG Founder and President Joel Rubin, “I trusted her, knowing that the paper is so reporter-depleted that it might take time for the piece to run.”

Sure enough on Sunday, January 25, 2015 a large article appeared on the front of the Pilot’s business section. And right at the top of the resources was our client, Advance Care Coalition of Eastern Virginia.

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The public relations and marketing lesson: be persistent with reporters but stay patient. The coverage you seek could be right around the corner.